Wednesday, 18 July 2012


....i hear the familiar strains of music....but suddenly i dont feel You....are You there?...those 'sounds of silence' that creeped into me...suddenly feel as if they were alive...but You dont seem to be around anywhere....i feel my blood running hot in my veins...there is a sudden surge of emotion...a sudden surge of feeling...of smiles...of laughter...the smiles that i echo to myself...its just me here....where are You? searching...searching in my my head.....are You too seeped into my system?...its a feeling that i cannot put to words....i dont seem to feel You....but i want to....i dont want to feel You...but somewhere unknown to myself...i still do....You are like an omnipotent being right gliding into the wind....running into body is drinking the rain....'the vision planted in my brain still remains'.....i want to drown...drown in this sudden surge of this sudden surge of wide....want to grab the twilight in them...never to let go......i seem to have let go....of myself....left my is as if my soul houses my body and not the other way round....oh!tell me where are You?.....its impossible feel the rain...the wind...and even this sunlight...without You......stay but dont haunt me.....this passion is too strong for You or me to taint it.....stay but dont snatch away this does not belong to You...its mine....yes its selfishly mine.....but feels hollow without You.....but why do i not feel You and yet feel the way i do now? that possible? You and i exist together?.....or separately?....ah god! just too overwhelmingly immersed.....into this moment.....i have let go...and dont want it back right dream'ed' too much....!!!

> Do not tell anyone <

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